30 Collections of Casual Living Furniture

Porch to Patio…Outdoor Upholstery to Classic Traditional Wicker

Lane Venture® offers imaginative outdoor products crafted from the finest materials available, featuring our exclusive WeatherMaster® Ultimate Outdoor Cushion. Our furnishings are engineered using handcrafted finishes, high-fashion touches you won’t find elsewhere, hundreds of incredible outdoor fabrics and elegant details unheard of in the realm of all-season furnishings. As the name implies, Lane Venture® furnishings are crafted to be unyielding to the elements without ever compromising on style. Let it rain!

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envision the elegant outdoor living space at your finger tips…

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Designer products, by nationally acclaimed artists, that are create with “your style” in mind. Each Collection is a distinct group embodied with signature styles that are derivative of places from across the globe - South Seas, Vintage Victorian, French Estate, Classic Modern, Historic Mediterranean, Arts & Crafts, updated wicker and rattan and more.

Visit Lane Venture In Petoskey: Ciao Bella! Patio

We Are Northwest Michigan's Only Dedicated Patio Store!